Well, Christmas is around the corner and I llawennydd full spirit of the festival!
Ma This is something quite nice considering I'm caught up in a two-day hangover after a night of offensive Arnej in the New House again. Aled managed to Pour a pint over poor old guitar Aaron Elias (then noticed that he is watching and therefore spend a few moments to be cleaned with a damp cloth and a nervous smile), excessive drinking lots of gin under the impression that I would not suffer in the morning (ffwl. ..) and then fell asleep in the wardrobe Aled under the impression I'm in a lighthouse. Do not ask, you really ... And You should
who everyone came to visit all the way to Causeway to see us -
Yes! David Brook of all ...
Ignoring all sdydio who gennai to do at the moment, the holiday has been pretty good to me so far. Rows and love our beloved three-course meal to Portmeirion before spending the rest of the day walking from the village draws amglych happy and I've been visiting and family to send presantau and cards and so on. It ranks a fine night tonight as Cai pop in for tea (southern two) before Aled drop suddenly to say Merry Christmas.
The only thing that managed to stir up is the lack of major movies Christmas on TV right now. Dio'm feel right rwsut I'm watching 'Van Helsing' at what is to be something teuleuol and religious. Although, I'm quite a fan of the odd werewolf or vampire now and again ...
And so we need to wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year Would it come to that! Hope you have a week of feeding, biota and bouncing fit for a king!