Smarter ....
begins to grow my wisdom tooth, something wonderful at the age of 27 years ... It hurts me through half a head and have difficulty eating, or Sanitarium in the house because I'm pissed ...
This arch wise correspondence with Pasibrzuchem, I can not talk to him, because to be very afraid talk to me ...
wasted whole morning of shopping, but it's normal, since I have not bought anything meaningful yesterday, and Tomi and Edith went with me to the bazaar.
I dream of baking bread with cocoa and raisins.
But I genuinely do not have the strength to stand in the kitchen when I was so napierdziela head. The worst thing is that I can not listen to the muse of the MP3, because the vibrations in the ear causes the activation of clove, as I go I feel it too ... again, the dentist? Sheesh ... I'd prefer to jump to Bydgoszcz Kontrust than the dentist chair. danced his
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