Saturday, September 9, 2006

How Much Do Nba Floor Sweepers

Wil Fiddle

New buy one of these -

Fiddle 'quiet Sojing metric. Hynnod cool in a way hynnod ugly. This is a great way to do enemies immediately out of the residents of number 28 when it would move in on the 24th!

Pwllheli last night I went I drank myself blind and stumbling from pub to pub. Not really, see the ESI high tide with our parents for a half's fair. Slightly sad is not it? But the saddest thing was seeing some fool at the center of the lane until it has been rammed the middle of a huge bunch of fifteen year old kids in their grip alcopops and panic as the police and ambulance arrived. May 'gone to the dogs. And some girl wearing a belt for his head-back walk barefoot along the harbor through the glass bottles have been shattered and her boyfriend and his cap at an angle 90 'asking "where's your shws thou?" Odd as the harbor water stinks of dead fish and minnda'n still be suffering from the night before in the New House. Owff, I'm snob.

stepping on the great gig Saturday night - WSI, the Rei and Druids. Everybody played hynnod lovely after a belly full of barbecue outside in the sun. And I will spend the rest of the night rambling and drinking seidar head with Aaron Elias and runs along Rhos Botwnnog looking for the Cowboys in my boots. And according to my diary, there are plenty of nights of gigs in the North for me to enjoy before returning to the 'Diff for another year of broken bodies and sleeping through lectures.


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