Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nervous About Getting Fingered

Again No.1

I am like a child J . I took off my card, which hung over the laptop, and on which tasks were today and all of it scratched (I allowed myself to write a blog or deleted, because I know that I do at 100%). Not only that performed all the tasks, it's even washed my car today, two parents and I helped in some small domestic matters. Joy enormous J . I know that I used that day very well! Such a victory, and defeat the band really adds wings. Again, I feel a great desire for this to continue my project. A new piece of "laziness" has already been harmonized and deprived of one part which immediately pogniotłem, crushed and threw into the trash to show who's boss! I'm not a sloth.
today in moments when my thoughts began to deviate from the topic, I slowly distancing himself from the computer doing other, completely unnecessary things, I began to visualize your goal. I must admit that after yesterday's experience really believed in the power of visualization. Do not know if it worked like a placebo, or indeed to take effect, as can be read in many books and articles on this topic, it's important that worked. I would recommend this tool to all who have problems with self-discipline. I will try to bring a little bit here about the visualization.
generally recognized that the vision is the primary sense in humans. The vast majority of information coming to us just by sight. It is therefore better for us to remember images, scene than the exact words. This is what makes the visuals have such enormous power. The whole of NLP is based on assumptions that what surrounds us, is relative and we perceive through your mind, and decode stimuli that we receive in a manner suitable for us, we give meaning to things, etc. This situation also happens vice versa - a lot depends on our attitude. Apparently neutral situations may be differently perceived by different people. This leads to the assumption that the world is what we perceive it. There is a very strong convergence between what we think and what it really is, the difference is only power with which they are able to present images of the brain. Research (after reading so many books and articles now probably will not find a source L ) showed that athletes who imagined that the train actually work the muscles that were responsible for a type of training that passed. If you do not believe in this, just that you do yourself the experience with a lemon: You must close your eyes, imagine a large lemon and a knife next to it. Then take the lemon and cut it in half. At the end we take the same nose, watch and squeeze the juice into the language.
Visualization is a tool that has changed our perception of the mind itself. Effects of such changes There are many. Momentary feeling better - when we imagine ourselves as winners, achieving success. Preparing for the subconscious to achieve this success. Programming it to work the way - to bring over to him.
What should be the visuals? As realistic as possible. To visualize a well-performed, it is best to relax, then your brain can only concentrate on visualizing. It is also an ideal time to time in which the mind is in alpha - or just after awakening, and when we are relaxed shortly before falling asleep (when working at lower speeds - about 7-14 cycles per second). Visualizations should, if possible donate most of reality. Colors, shapes, proportions, feelings, sounds. In a word, everything that is in the normal world. Not to worry, however, that if we are unable to do so. Some have only black and white dreams and visualizations, some without sound, and still others see a great main character and everything else small. Let us, however, support the training of these parameters change such that they are real as possible. I visualize I use with your eyes open for the day when I do things that do not require focusing - I run, I go upstairs, brush my teeth, etc. They are not even in a 5% excellent, but their frequency of catching up. I think it is also a very good way to remind yourself why you do it right now, not that. Some believe visualizations, affirmations, together with a deep form of prayer. Not penetrate into the religious preferences, but it seems to me that something is ...
I hope that interested you about this, because it really has great potential. Heartily recommend book Joe Silva - Silva method of mind Self-control. We will learn to control her mind through meditation / visualization. More Wikipedia .
Quickly plan for tomorrow:

  • first will learn at least 13 pages on Social Policy
  • second write at least one party to work
  • third I'll take the case in the library with books
  • 4th I'll get to play with his grandmother on Saturday
  • 5th I'll go to a financial analysis to cousin
  • 6th I will not waste time on the net: ie playing or watching videos of Starcraft, watching funny videos on youtuby nor funny stronek
  • 7th training at least 30 minutes
  • 8th prepare the schedule for Friday!


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