Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where To Get Plans For Go Cart Dune Buggy

In the first post I described a semblance of who I am and why I started the blog. Now, the problem would be addressed - How I'm going to come to anything? In an earlier entry about this piece was that the first step is the most important - I nominate the appropriate direction of the path, but the following are equally important - not to deviate from this route, and would not give up, despite the fatigue.
As for the direction of the path you have chosen, it is very simple - OVERCOME laziness. Far from a simple fact of the road, not at all means that it will be easy. It seems to me that this is the hardest way possible, and its defeat will be a very big challenge. However, this is what's going on! I do not want my life to be similar to the effect of moss, or a worm - to eat and survive.
Since his days spent on browsing the Internet one day, there were times when I was really interested in something like "self-improvement." I read a few (teen?) Books, dozens of articles and interviews. Very cool material thinking-changing a simple man. I have theoretical knowledge, at a level to be ready to overcome challenges. In my reading books you subsequently try to support it, and describe the results of the practice in its application. Let us, therefore, should be like a well-chosen targets? an example I will take the law in the construction of affirmation - that is, short texts, which are repeated like a mantra every day, change the attitude of man and appropriately tune in his subconscious. More on this topic you will learn by watching videos or reading a book, which became a bestseller in many of the " The Secret." What then should be Affirmations?

first Affirmations / objectives should be as specific as possible. So that at any moment, when we come to the point where we do not know what to do - one refers to the parent / principal and the problem disappears. And should be dated, the target objective. This is due to of Parkinson's Law, which states that " work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion" (source wikipedia) . Was developed for the analysis of the effectiveness of work performed by employees, but also applies in everyday life.
NO: "I had a cool car"
Only ...
YES: "Until December 2012 I had a new BMW X5, 3.0 Diesel "

NO: "I pass the exam for prawko"
Only ...
YES: "I pass the exam for the first time prawko"
Or (in case of granting the longer dates)
YES: "14 September 2010, I take the exam for prawko"

second The overall aim should be broken down into smaller goals, short-term, detailed. In a word - should you create not only a destination, but also its plan. Is associated with the fact that often do not realize that wasting time, we think that it was him so much that you have set ourselves the objective, and so achieve. This is called a syndrome, a student who, unfortunately, does not just affect students. If we divide the main objective divide into several smaller, it will be aware that any delay in implementation to a smaller, overall, and pushes us to extend access to principal.
third goal should not be too great. Imposing yourself too much, unfortunately, nothing is unattainable to us can not. Quickly grow bored and come to the conclusion that it makes no sense. What goal is too big? For example, aiming to increase revenues to 6tyś month in half a year, earning a 1.5 thousand. Too small goals put us in a situation where we will slowly develop. However, sometimes more slowly than in general.
4th affirmation should be in person first. The best starting with the words, I am.
5th should not have a denial. Because the subconscious mind does not distinguish between denials.

NO: "Until the end I will not drink"
YES: "By the end I will be abstinent,"

Affirmations help in the pursuit of goals. Say this affirmation three times a day after 10-15 repetitions, it really helps you in reaching your goal.

Odn1. high time to address their goals and define them appropriately. The main objective OVERCOME laziness is perhaps the most perfect, but designates a certain direction. What is missing in all this? Dates! I think the end of the year should I deal with this. I do not know whether four months to change themselves and their behavior, habits are not enough, but I want to quickly develop, make up for lost time. Besides the new year, a symbolic date - the start of something new, I would like him to step in now as a man, sure of his conduct, controlling himself. My goal is as follows: "I Przemek until January 1, 2011, beat laziness."
Odn2. Here I have a little longer as the plans should be broken. For sure I need to write a BSc only work I have no idea how to give a realistic deadline for this to finish it. For sure it wants to take on writing the blog and in the future the creation of the motivation. However, it involves gathering huge amounts of materials. Is also associated with reading, and sorting it all. After that I plan to this year yet to start talks and possible work related to the spin ornamental tree plantations. It is still my second job, which for now does not start, because I have no motivation - financial advice. So I decide that the goal of No 1. The absolute priority is to write a thesis to September 30. Since September 30, I regularly devote time to prepare the defense. I do not think it will be so much involved, and secondly I would like to devote their energies to the spin of plantation trees. If it succeeds, this year is good, if not - financial advice is what I will be held in the week. Of course, invariably weekends - work in clubs (as they must live for something ;-)). Added to this is a daily workout, which is to be prepare the body for increased effort, and improve customer satisfaction and self-esteem (when its results will come.)
Odn3. I think these goals are perfect for me. They are not too great - to write the work I gave myself over 2 weeks. Into more specific objectives of the ODN to what once it is written, I will still have to think about.
Odn4 / 5 Here you just have nothing to reproach. You can even make this affirmation:

Main objective:
"I Przemek until January 1, 2011, overcome laziness"
interim objectives:
- "I Przemek September 30, 2010 I finished thesis"
- "I train every half an hour,"
- "After the thesis make money"

That I have goals, I hope that I can achieve them. In all this time I skipped the rest and my baby girl - but to find time for it, always come easy to me ;-).


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